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Christmas Countdown Characters #11

As much as I have been a fan of Sesame Street and The Muppets for a very long time, I usually would not associate Christmas with one of the favourites...
K is for Kermit (the Frog) ... 
Before any one should doubt if Kermit belongs with such a distinguished group of Christmas celebrities, I think Kermit must hold the record of  starring in the most Christmas themed movies and TV specials of any frogs? of any puppets? of any actors? You need only look at Kermit's resume -
Kermit has appeared in major roles in over 30 full length movies, TV series and video games and his Christmas list is impressive. My personal favourite is ' It's a Very Merry Muppet Movie' loosely based on that much loved classic Christmas film,' It's a Wonderful Life ' where Kermit experiences what it would be like if he had not been born. Kermit not only appeared in these Christmas movies, but had starring roles in: 
What I find it hard to believe that Kermit, a creation of the famous Jim Henson, came into being in 1955 and from such humble beginnings - Jim Henson's mother's discarded coat and two table tennis balls! Kermit became the front man for Sesame Street and the numerous Muppets movies, as well as making many community service short films and personal appearances at significant events. He was the first amphibian to have a "star" profile, and the first puppet to have a real biography published..Kermit has also received many public awards  as well as being presented at the White House including  an honorary doctorate, a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, an Academy Award nomination,  

In the Christmas roles, Kermit always shows compassion and patience for the other muppets. .His special friends are Fozzie the Bear, and of course, Miss Piggy with whom there was always "hinted" a more than special relationship although Kermit always claimed that their connection was "professional" . Kermit is an organiser, and Jim Henson even likened his own role to that of Kermit's - trying to get a bunch of crazies to get the job done More than that, Kermit seems to make a connection universally  - his wish for kindness and peace in the world finds voice in the duet he sang with John Denver, "The Christmas Wish"  

I don't know if you believe in Christmas,
or if you have presents underneath the Christmas tree.
But if you believe in love, that will be more than enough
for you to come and celebrate with me... 
Christmas is a time to come together, a time to put all differences aside.
And I reach out my hand to the family of man
to share the joy I feel at Christmas time... 
And if you believe in love, that will be more than enough
for peace to last throughout the coming year.
And peace on earth will last throughout the year.


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